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Jason F. Crockett - U. S. citizen, born in Canada, grew up in Papua New Guinea

jason.jpg (11633 bytes)     I was born in 1972 while my parents were in Missionary training with New Tribes Mission in Durham, Ontario Canada.  When I was two years old, my parents moved to Papua New Guinea (PNG) to start a mission  print shop.  I put my trust in Christ as my Savior when I was three.  In 1990 I graduated from Numonohi High School in PNG.  I then went to New Tribes Bible School where I met my wife Laurel.  We got married on August 8, 1992.  I graduated from Seminole Community College with an A. S. in Computers in 1996.  I went through New Tribes Mission Institute and graduated in May of 1998.  Philippians 3:10 has become my favorite verse, and my motto is: To know Christ and to make Him known.

Laurel J. Crockett - U. S. citizen, born in New Jersey, moved to Florida when 16

     I was born and raised in a small rural New Jersey Town.  My parents were interested in different religions but did not understand the Bible or know the significance behind the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 
laurel.jpg (11561 bytes)    Due to personal struggles, my parents decided to move to Florida when I was sixteen.  My father came to know Jesus as his personal Savior shortly after that move and he shared Christ with the rest of our family.  Because of his faithful witness and my mothers conversion, I eventually came to trust in the death of Jesus Christ as payment for my sin.  Believing Jesus was God, that he came to earth as man to be the perfect sacrifice for all of man's sin, that He was buried, and was resurrected three days later gave me new life.  When I was nineteen, a missionary from NTM came to my house to show me the movie: "Ee-taow" a film explaining the conversion of almost an entire tribe due to some NTM missionaries.  The video also challenged me to be a part of the program called Interface.  The summer of 1990, I went to Papua new Guinea where God impressed on my heart His desire for all men to hear the gospel.  I decided to go to Bible school immediately. 

     I knew then I wanted to return to PNG or some area of the world where people had never heard about Jesus and the Bible.  I met Jason at Bible School, fell deeply in love, and after much "coercion", convinced him that we were meant to be together :) 
We have the same goal now that we are married and have three children as we did at our first meeting.  Our desire is to make him known to those who have never heard.

Krista R.

Kali N.

Nicholas C.

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