January 2002
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Stephen and Carolyn Crockett

Marvin and Christine Crockett


...no longer believe we ought to go on this survey trip...

A lot can happen in a short amount of time!  As of August, we were planning on taking a short-term mission "survey" trip to Mozambique.  After the survey trip that a couple of guys went on in September, it was decided to postpone our survey trip to later on in 2002.  Visit the NTM-Mozambique website for pictures!  These were some of the determining factors:
  1. Their survey was a total success in the locations they went to.  They focused more on the cities and were trying to determine if the northern area of Mozambique should indeed be where we "hang our hat."
  2. The next survey needs to be focused on learning more specifics about the more remote areas.  A linguistic survey needs to be done along with finding out the receptivity of the people to having us live with them.
  3. Due to the remoteness of the areas we need to survey, their rainy season (our spring time in America) is a very bad time to try to get out into the remote areas.  During the rainy season it is very hard to get into these areas.
    As a little side note, the rainy season is also the worst time of the year for milaria as well

Label of the Day:

Due to the trip being postponed, Laurel and I ...no longer believe we ought to go on this survey trip...  Our target date for heading to Brazil for Portuguese language study (prior to going to Mozambique) is July of 2002.

On a bag of Fritos:

....You could be a winner! No purchase necessary. Details inside.

(the shoplifter special?)


Currently Jason is still working at NTLI as a network technician and help desk. There is much transition as NTLI plans on integrating the language institute with the other mission institutes some time in the next 10 years. He also teaches a computer literacy class as an elective to the students as well. 

Laurel also keeps very busy taking care of the kids and working part time in different areas at NTLI.  This has been a very profitable time of ministry for both Jason and Laurel, and they are very thrilled that we have been able to be here during this time. Our leaving will leave an empty position and we are praying for God to rise up someone to fill our shoes here before we leave.  It would be a real positive thing to be able to train somebody or show him the ropes.

The kids are great. Krista is a very creative writer and artist, which isn’t a trait she gets from me. Kali is in kindergarten at the same school as Krista. She still loves animals ( we still have the bird, but we have gotten rid of our dog). Nicholas, loves to go fishing or just ride his tricycle outside to play.

  We praise God for:  

An encouraging church body both local and nationwide
Health of our family
God's provision with support partners

Please pray for:

A continued increase in finances as our expenses increase dramatically
Safety in travels
Wisdom as we make decisions
Health for our family during this time

  Comments or Suggestions?  



Snail Mail:

(Encouragement & Correspondence)

Jason and Laurel Crockett 
HC67 Box 67308 
Roach, MO  65020 

Headquarters address:

(Financial Information)

New Tribes Mission 
1000 E. First St. 
Sanford,  FL 32771-1487


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